Monday, June 14, 2010

Alphabet Podcast

Here is the video showing the alphabet photos taken by my group.


When we finished our OH&S audit we went to hand it in the the OH&S manager. We got refered to the OH&S manager in the library who told us she would pass the info on to the manager.

Tuesday, May 18
Neil, Jono, Tahlia and myself tried to get in touch with the OH&S manager but were not able to as she was teaching a class. We decided to leave our contact number and classroom number in hopes she would get back to us.

Tuesday, May 25
We attempted to get in touch with the OH&S Manager once again but were unsuccessful.

Tuesday, June 1
We tried again to contact the manager but were not able to. We tried to find someone else we could give an OH&S incident report to but couldn’t find the name of the person in charge of the building.

These screenshots (taken by niel) show searches we did in an attempt to find out who the campus manager is. They were unsuccessful.

Here is my font, with sketch and transformed into vectors. The vectors i tried to make a little more simplified than the sketch. I tried to reuse parts from other letters as much as possible. Although I had to resize some of the parts slightly for different letters.

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Flag

Here is my pre-production work for my flag design and the final piece.

To represent me I used imagery of a guitar and music which I both love. And also a stencil version of my pet cockatoo.

I used kuler to get complimentary colors for the color scheme.

Copyright Diagram

Here is my pre production work for the copyright diagram and the final piece.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Here is the pre production sketch of my magazine cover for the iPad and the completed version. I ended up changing the name of magazine because I didn't like how the old one sounded.

Most things stayed pretty true to the original design.

All photos were taken on my nokia phone. For the background I used a downloaded brush set.

Last week Neil, Jono, Tahlia and myself tried to get in touch with the OH&S manager but were not able to as she was teaching a class. We left our contact number and classroom number in hopes she will get back to us. We attempted to get in touch with the OH&S Manager once again today but were unsuccessful.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Business Card

Here is my business card design...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alphabet Sketches

Just finished up my sketches of my alphabet photos. I think I will go with the pipe design for my font type, it seems like it could work well with every kind of letter. Of course I will simplify it alot more from the sketch in illustrator.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Plagarism Debate

Below is the Power Point presentation my group came up with:

While our debate didn't really come to a proper conclusion I believe our group came off the better with our arguments. After a little hiccup halfway through the debate we managed to get back on top. During the research for this project I had a look at the effect illegal downloads has on the music and film industries. I found that the music industry loses about $4.2 billion each year and that major U.S. film studios lost $6.1 billion in 2005 to piracy worldwide.

The debate was pretty frustrating at times, with the pirates going into little insignificant topics in an attempt to try and trip us up, hardly ever discussing the main topic of the debate. They would also keep bringing up the fact that we illegally download things ourselves so we are hypocrites, which is ridiculous seeing as none of us denied that we committed these acts and the only reason we were fighting for the law was because that was the side assigned to us for this project.

I thought it was a pretty stupid debate. The pirates could not really come up with any arguments, the law > everything. Everyone who illegally downloads something knows that it is illegal and that it is wrong. Ignorance is not an excuse when it comes to the law, unless you are underage in which case it is the parents responsibility.

That's not to say I don't illegally download, I do it and I know its wrong. I just do it because I can get away with it. Like if it was somehow technologically possible to illegally download food (delicious food) and it was near impossible for anyone to know or for you to get caught, I'd probably do that too! And so would anyone else!
That would be awesome! (but also wrong)

River Riddle

Here is my flash animation of the river riddle we did in class.

Monday, February 22, 2010